Deep Healing Woods Image

Deep Healing Woods

Rooted in nature and proven by science, Blackberry Farm’s Deep Healing Woods activities offer one-of-a-kind experiences with established psychological and physiological benefits. Groundbreaking research out of Japan highlights the numerous benefits of forest bathing, also known as Shinrin-yoku, which includes enhanced physical fitness, accelerated healing, increased mental focus and improved biological responses to reducing stress and fighting disease. Journey to the Deep Healing Woods to connect with the earth, connect with nature and connect within to revitalize your internal source of health, energy and wellbeing.

All Deep Healing Woods activities are available as private or group sessions. If you are seeking a personalized experience, simply call the Wellhouse to reserve your private Deep Healing Woods activity with one of our instructors.

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Deep Healing Woods Offerings

  • Deep Healing Woods Yoga

    Yoga means ‘union,’ and when practiced outdoors, a greater sense of connecting with the universe can be evoked. Many of yoga’s asanas (postures) reflect animals and nature. Allow the breeze to expand your breathing and the warm sun to deepen your pose, making muscles more pliable. Let a ladybug invite you to focus on something small and still. Enjoy a sense of harmony, timelessness and union with Mother Nature.

    • Allow 90 minutes

  • Deep Healing Woods Meditation

    For centuries, monks all over the world have taken to the forest to elevate their meditation practice and become one with the universe. Drawing upon this ancient wisdom, we too, take you to the Deep Healing Woods to clear your mind, calm your soul and heighten your awareness. Discover how going within can provide an innate sense of connection with oneself and all living things.

    • Allow 90 minutes

  • Earthfit Endurance Hike

    This high-intensity workout is ideal for any fitness level. Designed for optimal body conditioning and recovery, this activity includes a pre-workout stretching session to warm the muscles and promote circulation. A fast-paced hike encourages cardiovascular strength and endurance. At the conclusion of the physical exertion stage, guests are led in a guided stretch and meditation session to improve body recovery and mental restoration.

    • Allow 90 minutes

  • Flower Essence Meditation

    Flowers and plants follow light to break through the Earth’s surface, showing us our own grounding possibilities. Learn about flower essences, foraging and forest bathing on a guided hike through the deep healing woods. Embrace a gentle and refreshing perspective in a fully guided meditation and chance to reconnect with nature’s rhythm.

    • Allow 90 minutes